Thursday, January 31, 2008

So I'll use this for some crochet show and tell.... I am currently working on an Afghan Squared (pattern I found on LB website) using Vanna's Choice yarns..... this is my first time using them and I think I like them, there are limited colors and they aren't that vibrant but I think I like the suttle, almost muted colors..... this afghan was intended to be a present for my grandfather for christmas this year but after much consideration I decided no it's a square afghan and he's pretty tall, it just won't work.... I then remembered that we have a wedding in June for dbf's second cousin, this will be a PERFECT wedding gift! So I started it on Jan 22nd and I'm now 30 rounds into it, I want to go til it's at least 5' square maybe bigger. Hopefully I can finish it up in a few weeks, because after I thought of how great it would be for a wedding gift I remembered the bride's (dbf's 2nd cousin) sister is getting married two weeks before her, so I'll need another one for her (planning on mixing it up a little but the same concept of this afghan). But seriously what sister's get married two weeks apart???????

Friday, January 25, 2008


This is all new to me, not even sure what to do, guess I'll figure it out as I go along, basically started this becuse a lot of people at the ville have one and I thought "well why not me too" guess I'll use this to keep track of my crochet projects and maybe school and life as well, we'll just have to wait and see!!! well that's what I've got for now!